Hi Guys, I'd like to mentor your worship leader(s)

Hi Pastor
I would like the opportunity to mentor your worship team. Is this a fit for you?
  • Leaders in worship
  • Leaders in sound
  • Leaders in song
  • Leaders in music
  • Leaders in communication
  • Leaders in leadership

I’ve been doing this for over 35 years and like yourself, I’ve seen things come and go. One of the things that has never changed, is God’s desire to raise up the tabernacle of David with us all. Worship today is different than worship 20 years ago, and the worship 20 years from today will be different, but only different in expression. My goal is to raise up the tabernacle of David within the church and that begins in the house. As we become better leaders, we take the limitations off of Holy Spirit so that He can do what he desires to do within each of our houses. My mentorship program is connecting Pastors and worship leaders to the sound of their house so that regions can be affected, cities can be changed and families can be stronger. We create systems for longevity that continue beyond personality but these systems become the culture of who we are.

If you allow me to mentor your team they will become the leader that can cause change in the atmosphere so a climate can be formed and a culture can be established.

A weekly zoom call starting September 9, Monday nights at 8 pm EST

These Zoom calls are an open invitation for training and development as up and coming leaders in worship. They are for the individual leading worship as well as the mass team of people.

We exist to add value to your worship leader and department in terms of leadership and more. We believe that every Church has a sound. It is distinct and uniquely connected to and intertwined with the vision, culture, and word being taught each week from the pulpit. When God speaks in your local Church, it requires a response. The sound of your house is connected to the vessels delivering the song (the music) in the services. Therefore it is vitally important that they maintain growing leadership skills, pure hearts, excellent communication with senior leadership, and an intimate relationship with the Father. Our program focuses on these things to ensure agreement is reached and unity is created within the house because it is in this atmosphere that the commanded blessing shows up.


- Derick Thomas - Apostle of Presence Driven ChurcHouse, President of Sound of the House. A Dove and Stellar Award Nominee, Worship Leader, Songwriter, Producer, with Certifications as a teacher, trainer, coach with the John Maxwell Team, A Music Therapist, Sound Therapist and  a Behavioral Consultant with PeopleKeys.

 Our goal is to provide you, the Worship Leader, with the tools and insights to lead your team. We do this by providing real leadership principles to handle ministry life on & off the stage so they can be successful, and you can have consistency and longevity.

- Weekly  ZOOM Video Call - 

There is nothing better than an experienced guide. So every week we do a video conference call for all Worship Leaders. The worship team can also attend as well and even the Senior Leadership is welcome to attend.
It’s 60 minutes of teaching, coaching, and Q&A.

You’ll hear both sides of the conversation as it comes from a 30 year Worship Leader/Senior Pastor.

Leadership Can Be Caught

Topics we will discuss live on ZOOM

  •  How to Build 
  • Lack of Resources – the overwhelming number one issue
  • Conflict Management
  • Time Management
  • Managing the Prophetic
  • Minimizing Turnover
  • Practices
  • Lack of Musicians
  • Commitment
  • Developing Excellence
  • Managing the Congregation
  • Focus for Improvement
  • Leadership
  • Musicianship
  • Songwriting
  • Sound and more......

Membership Includes

Join Today and your membership will include the following:
All Access Pass to all of our products in the “Members Only” section, which include:

This is the heart of what we offer, where we are able to talk candidly and ask questions and get answers from Dericks 35+ years of experience leading a department of of 120 people in a congregation of 5000.

Everything is affected by the Sound of your house. Your ability to relate to people, your ability to control the lusts of your flesh and of course, your relationship to God. This series of books is designed for worship pastors, ministers of music, worship leaders and other titles given to the gatekeeper of worship in their church, to assist in you being a leader in the Body of Christ as you release a unique sound from your house.

32 Indispensable Laws of Leadership for Worship Teams 
Available Languages: English and Spanish
Worship Pastors, this is a must-have book if you want to add value to your team and develop your people off the platform.
Stop contending with the same external problems common to all worship teams that lack the knowledge found in this book.
32 Indispensable Laws of Leadership for Worship Teams will make your job easier and the longevity obtainable.

I Am Samson - Lessons in Leadership
Samson represents the ones who stand in the spotlight each Sunday morning.
Samson preaches to us and sings to us every week. They are strong in their gifting and like Samson, weak in their flesh.
There is an epidemic of immorality going on in the church and in the world that runs side by side and in I Am Samson we discuss it.

Sound of the House
This book is designed to assist you in releasing the Sound of your house.
Discovering who you are and what you believe as a worship team leads to the creation of standards and the application of motivating administrative ideas to create a long-lasting department that releases the Sound of your house in worship when they sing.

3D System - Celebrate the Revelation
This book shows you how to apply the 3D System successfully and release the Sound of your house.

ONLINE - School of Sound
Online teaching on Beginners Piano, Songwriting, Prophetic Ministry, Minstrel Training and more


I enjoy visiting Churches and imparting what God has given me in worship, but I absolutely love activating teams for longevity.

To Subscribe click here and we will send the links to ZOOM.
All of the products will be released on the ZOOM calls as we connect and converse
in a spread out fashion so not to overwhelm anyone with too much information.